Shaurya – Gatha Abhimanachi, Zee Yuva’s tribute to the brave Maharashtra police premiered on 25th November. This show is telecasted every Friday-Saturday at 9 pm. So far the show has portrayed two important cases of 26/11 attacks & ‘Amirzada’ both through the real life cop’s character Issak Bagwan. Recently an anthem song was shot for the show sung by Adarsh Shinde & composed by Amitraj.
This song marks crowd favorite Adarsh’s debut on the small screen. On the big screen the Amitraj – Adarsh Jodi has always been a huge hit & we predict the same for the small screen.
For the first television program is having a special anthem song in Marathi. The soing is very inspiring to the youth & the music is very effective. Both Amitraj & Adarsh belive that this song represents the bravery of Maharashtra Police & the audiences will have goosebumps while hearing it!
The lyrics of this are as follows:
Hi Gatha Abhimanachi
Hi Gatha Balidanachi,
Maharashtrachya Mavalyanchi,
Ya Rashtrachya Sanmanachi..
Pranpanane Ladhun Jaagle Je Kartavyala,
Saari Duniya Salaam karte Tyanchya Shauryala..
Shaurya Shaurya Shaurya Shaurya
Shaurya Shaurya Shaurya Shaurya
Hi Gatha Abhimanachi
Hi Gatha Balidanachi,
Maharashtrachya Mavalyanchi,
Ya Rashtrachya Sanmanachi..
Pranpanane Ladhun Jaagle Je Kartavyala,
Saari Duniya Salaam karte Tyanchya Shauryala..
Shaurya Shaurya Shaurya Shaurya
Shaurya Shaurya Shaurya Shaurya