Last weekend Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh were on Karan Johar's popular celebrity chat show Koffee With Karan season 5. There were quite a few Katrina Kaif mentions throughout the show.
Last weekend Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh were on Karan Johar’s popular celebrity chat show Koffee With Karan season 5. Of course Karan talked about Ranbir’s ex and Ranveer’s current lady love Deepika Padukone. But hey we also had quite a few Katrina Kaif mentions throughout the show. Ranveer and Ranbir competed to get Kat’s Chikni Chameli step. That’s not all Ranveer apologised to Ranbir before picking Katrina for the hookup option in Karan’s rapid fire. The actor didn’t mind at all.
In fact, RK Jr shocked everyone when he revealed on the show that he had never experienced heartbreak. Of course this after admitting that he is lonely and would like to be in a relationship. There were moments where Ranbir joked about himself, like when he said, “My conscience is very clear because I’ve never used it. ” He also commented about insecure girlfriends when he said, “I’ve my phone checked all the time.” There were also moments when Ranbir confused the viewers by saying, “Being single is boring, if you want space, you should join NASA.”
And it was natural that everybody wanted to find out what was Katrina Kaif’s first reaction on watching her ex-beau on the couch. A source close to the actress revealed that she seemed unaffected. The source said, “She was nonchalant on seeing Ranbir talk about love, heartbreak or then relationships.” The actress will also be seen on Karan Johar’s show. Katrina will be joined by Hrithik Roshan and we bet there will be some questions that Karan will have for the actress about Ranbir. Katrina we hear is cool as a cucumber and unfazed by the mention of Ranbir. (Ranbir Kapoor admits feeling lonely, after breaking up with Katrina Kaif)
Clearly this just shows how Katrina and Ranbir‘s rumoured reunion is just a fiction of someone’s great imagination. Both the stars have moved on in life. And the hot and single Katrina is loving her time alone. In fact if her latest pictures are anything to go then singledom suits the actress a lot. (Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh’s bromance on Koffee With Karan 5 – Real or Fake?)